We really lucked out with some great weather at Stinson Beach this weekend for our "Welcome to Summer" Beach Training. It was a great day with challenging training in the sand and ocean.
Hanshi Rick Llewelyn and Hanshi Alberto Harris' instruction included tai sabaki kihon drills, kicking drills, and some great balance/quad strength exercises in the water. (The water wasn't as cold as we were expecting - turned out to be about 57 degrees instead of 49 degrees, which is what is was the day before at the Golden Gate buoy! Brrrr!)
We had the pleasure of having Sensei Murat Bajrami from Karate US in San Francisco, and Sensei Sean Shelmadine and student Mike joining us from the Northern California Bushido-Kai in Sacramento. Other dojos and students are always welcome!
Thank you also to the Dojo USA crew, always showing great support at all of our events, and a very BIG THANK YOU to Mr. Chris Mapa for his superb grilling skills. The potluck following the training was delicious!
Now, we're all recovering our sore legs and getting ready for the ISKA Black Belt College session next Saturday, June 10th, to be held at Sensei James Carter's dojo in San Jose. Read more about the ISKA Black Belt College...
We had the pleasure of having Sensei Murat Bajrami from Karate US in San Francisco, and Sensei Sean Shelmadine and student Mike joining us from the Northern California Bushido-Kai in Sacramento. Other dojos and students are always welcome!
Thank you also to the Dojo USA crew, always showing great support at all of our events, and a very BIG THANK YOU to Mr. Chris Mapa for his superb grilling skills. The potluck following the training was delicious!
Now, we're all recovering our sore legs and getting ready for the ISKA Black Belt College session next Saturday, June 10th, to be held at Sensei James Carter's dojo in San Jose. Read more about the ISKA Black Belt College...
It takes all kinds....
Osu ~ !
Osu ~ !