Kanku Sho 観空小
The kata of the month for November & December is Kanku Sho. It has familiar elements of several other kata, but is unique in that is has two jumps - one similar to Empi kata (kaiten-tobi) and one somewhat similar to the jump in Unsu (mikazuki topi geri). (pictured above)
Kata Details Number of movements: 48 Number of kiai: 2 (move #6 and move #48) (There is some variety with number of kiai (some add a third kiai) Related kata: Kanku Dai, Empi, Jion, Bassai Sho, Gojushiho Sho, Unsu | Signature Techniques kaiten-tobi – spinning jump mikazuki-tobi-geri – jumping spinning crescent kick oi-zuki & zenwan-hineri – lunge punch & forearm twist tsukami-uke – hand grasping block |