Sensei David LaVerne hosted Hanshi Justin Butler and Shihan Mike Sullivan at the Shoto Dojo in Santa Clara for a weekend of training and camaraderie, May 21-22nd, 2016.
More about Hanshi Justin Butler:
Hanshi Butler teaches at Golden Eagle Shotokan Dojo in Green Valley Ranch, Colorado, located in the Denver Area. Hanshi Butler has over fifty years of Martial Arts experience including an 8th Dan in Karate and a 3rd Dan in Hakkoryu Jujutsu. Hanshi Butler is Soke (founder) of SanTen Jujutsu, re-integrating Jujutsu with Shotokan Karate. Hanshi Butler received Menkyo Kaiden ("transmission of total knowledge") in SanTen Karate from Hanshi Cruz in January 2015. He was subsequently promoted to Hanshi by Master Cruz (posthumously) in January 2016 after many years of training and discussing the application of Jujutsu (locking and throwing techniques) within Shotokan Karate. Follow Hanshi Butler and Golden Eagle Shotokan on Facebook. |
"Re-integrating Jujutsu and Shotokan Karate"
Any system of self-defense or combat would be incomplete without considered all of the ranges of engagement. Studying Karate without knowledge of throwing, joint locks and close range techniques is to have a partial understanding of the historical application and use of Karate. Hanshi Butler's teachings 'reintegrate' Jujutsu with Karate techniques- emphasizing tactical pressure points, targeting specific areas of anatomy for maximum delivery of pain and offsetting of balance, and methods of efficient joint/posture torque in locks and throws. In addition to understanding how to use an opponent's joint flexibility (or lack thereof) against him/her, knowledge of anatomy and mobility can be used to help heal as well as inflict injury.
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See more about the ISKA Spring Seminar here.
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